Freshly Launched Search Engine Allows Users to ‘Take Back the Power’ in Online Searches

by Charlotte Hazard


A new search engine launched titled “Luxxle” prides itself on giving users more power when it comes to searching up content and more privacy.

“Luxxle is a search engine that provides a platform for publications of all size and voice to be discovered,” Luxxle communications director Molly Koweek told Just the News in an exclusive interview. “It’s a search engine that remains unbiased which is something you don’t have right now with the big search engines.”

In the political realm, major search engines such as Google have faced backlash for alleged bias and censorship of certain political candidates such as Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Vivek Ramaswamy.

Earlier this year, Kennedy Jr. launched a lawsuit against Google that claims federal officials worked with Google to censor Kennedy in an attempt to create an environment of “political coercion.”

In September, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a lower court decision in Missouri v. Biden barring the federal government from working with social media companies to remove First Amendment-protected content.

Luxxle was launched in 2022 and has continued to update and add features into 2023. One specific feature the engine has is titled “Lenses” which allows users to filter and find results based on different categories such as “alphabetical” or political.

“This is a tool that allows people to sort and filter the content that they are searching for and help them really navigate through it,” Koweek said.

“The whole goal is to put the user in control of their searches and not spoon feed them content that the engine wants them to see,” she continued. “At Luxxle, you get all this content and then you can sort it and navigate through it so you can take back the power of your search.”

The options on the “lenses” tool that users can select include: Lean Left, Lean Right, All, Alphabetically, Freshness and Algorithmically. 

A concern that frequent internet browsers have raised over the past couple of years is the collection of data from search engines that some view as a violation of privacy.

“We’re extremely protective of our users’ privacy,” Koweek stated. “We do not track them and we do not share their data or anything like that unlike the big search engines.”

She later added that she believes that the “Lenses” feature on Luxxle actually helps users keep an open mind.

“I think that what this feature does is it really allows people to widen their views, because with one click you can say, ‘Hey maybe I identify as right or somebody who leans left. This is what my people are talking about. But I want to know what the other side is talking about.They might have a good point or maybe they don’t.’ It allows people to check their own bias and I think that’s a really valuable tool to have that’s just not out there.”

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Charlotte Hazard is a reporter at Just the News.



Reprinted with permission from Just the News.

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One Thought to “Freshly Launched Search Engine Allows Users to ‘Take Back the Power’ in Online Searches”

  1. levelheadedconservative

    This sounds like it is potentially a good alternative. I suspect, however, that it runs on Amazon Web Services (AWS) servers like so many alt platforms. Once they get popular and challenge the establishment, AWS will likely shut them down. (Note: they may bot be on AWS, however, most of the web services in the US are on servers run by the big tech companies like AWS, Microsoft, etc.
